Thursday, July 24, 2014

Joseph Lee Hooker: "Our Priests" Shows Solidarity and Support for the Priesthood

Joseph Lee Hooker sings the headline single from his 2009 "Our Priests" album, which has garnered accolades from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Pope Benedict XVI himself.

Hooker, a devout Catholic and shockingly, a documented abuse victim of the priest scandal first revealed in the late 90's in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, felt a compulsion to show solidarity and support for the priesthood and its countless members who strive to eradicate the current stigma of abuse and scandal.

"I've known so many priests in my life who have helped and supported me in my struggles and my faith," Hooker said. "Those priests, the true shepherds, help to heal and erase the damage done by others." The artist's response was to create this inspirational work that calls priests to a higher standard and has received an apostolic blessing from the pope.


In this world of darkness, still there shines a light
Standing with God's people to show them what is right
They carry on the wisdom that God has handed down
They are truly diamonds in our Savior's crown

Our priests, they are treasures
Their hands, our saving grace
Instruments of God, they must never be disgraced
Our priests

The world calls and taunts them, yet they firmly stand
Bringing light to darkness at the Lord's command
Serving Bread of Angels to the hungry lambs
Their voice of truth will lead us to the Promised Land

Eyes upon the Saviour, guided by their vow
Strongly must they shepherd, yet humbly must they bow

Shining light from heaven, teaching truth sublime
Reaching for perfection, touching the divine

Our priests, our saving grace, our priests
Never be disgraced, our priests, our saving grace

Copyright 2009, 2010 Joseph Lee Hooker
Published by: Come Alive Communications, Inc., ASCAP
All world rights reserved.
Come Alive Music - "The Melody of Inspiration"
Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest, Mother of all priests and our Mother, help us respond generously to the Holy Spirit's request, through the voice of His Church, to offer up to God Eucharistic adoration for priests. Amen.