Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Sister in the Barn

One of my very favorite inspiring true stories about the power of prayer for priests is about Bishop William Ketteler, a prominent 19th century German bishop who was one of the founders of an extremely blessed apostolate. While a guest in another bishop's diocese, Bishop Ketteler admitted to the bishop, "I owe thanks for everything that I have accomplished with God's help to the prayer and sacrifice of someone I do not even know...Originally, I wasn't planning on becoming a priest...and thought only about...acquiring honour, prestige and wealth."
One evening young William had an extraordinary experience in which he saw Jesus very clearly, showing him His Sacred Heart, a nun kneeling before Him in prayer, and Jesus saying, "She prays unremittingly for you!" Bishop Ketteler continued, "I distinctly saw the appearance of the sister, and her traits made such an impression on me that she has remained in my memory to this day. It shook me to the depths of my being so that from that moment on, I decided to consecrate myself to God in the service of the priesthood...So, if you think I have done something admirable, now you know who really deserves the credit--a religious sister who prayed for me, maybe without even knowing who I was." He told the other bishop that he had no knowledge of the whereabouts or identity of the nun who prayed for him.
The next day Bishop Ketteler celebrated Mass at a convent in a nearby city. While distributing Holy Communion to the sisters, he was startled at the appearance of one of them. Later, he asked the Mother Superior to gather the sisters together so that he and the other bishop could meet them. When he didn't see the one he was looking for, he requested of the Mother Superior to see her.
When the sister entered the room, Bishop Ketteler asked to have time alone with her. In questioning her, he learned that she had never heard of him or prayed or offered up good deeds for him to her knowledge. When asked if she had a special devotion, she named devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When he asked about the difficulty of her work in the barn, she admitted that it was unpleasant, but said, "For things that cost me greatly, I grew accustomed to facing them with joy and enthusiasm out of love for God, and then I offer them up for one soul on earth. To whom God chooses to be gracious as a result, I have left completely up to Him and I do not want to know. I also offer up my time of Eucharistic adoration every evening from 8 to 9 for this intention... Since only God knows who really needs prayer, it is best to put your merits at the disposition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus trusting in His wisdom and omnipotence. That is what I have done...and I always believed God would find the right soul."
Bishop Ketteler went on to ask the sister her age and day of birth. He was shaken when he learned that her birthday was the day of his conversion, at which time he saw her exactly as she appeared now before him! In reply to his questions, this sister said she had no idea if her prayers and sacrifices had been successful, and it was enough for her that God knows. Before they parted, the bishop gave her a beautiful blessing.
Later Bishop Ketteler confided to his bishop friend, "Now I found the one I have to thank for my vocation. It is the lowest and poorest lay sister of that convent. I cannot thank God enough for His mercy because this sister has prayed for me for almost 20 years. On the day she first saw the light of the world, God worked my conversion accepting in advance her future prayers and works.
What a lesson and a reminder for me! Should I become tempted to vanity by a certain amount of success or by my good works, then I can affirm in truth: You have the prayer and sacrifice of a poor maid in a convent stall to thank. And when a small and lowly task appears of little value to me, then I will also remember the fact: what this maid does in humble obedience to God, making a sacrifice by overcoming herself, is so valuable before the Lord Our God that her merits have given rise to a bishop for the Church."
This humble sister's life of prayer and sacrifice had a profound effect on Bishop Ketteler's life and, through his priestly ministry, on the lives of countless others. The hidden life of this sister, whose name we don't even know, is still having an effect on lives and hearts today as her story is read and provides inspiration for others to offer up prayers, sacrifices, good deeds, and Eucharistic adoration for priests. God bless the Congregation for the Clergy for providing us with this inspiring example of spiritual motherhood. Don't miss the complete story here on pages 26-28!

Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest, Mother of all priests, and our Mother, help us respond generously to the Holy Spirit's request, through the voice of His Church, to offer up to God Eucharistic adoration for priests. Amen.

1 comment:

plc said...

I absolutely LOVE this story! Thank you for posting it!