Monday, July 27, 2009

Be Attentive to the Holy Spirit

If you feel inspired to do something spiritually beneficial for God's priests, don't let discouragement or fear stop you--they are two of the greatest weapons that the prince of darkness uses against us! He and his cohorts are always around to discourage us from any expression of love for God and neighbor. He uses our inclination toward pride in hopes of immobilizing us--our fear of failure, fear of looking foolish or inept in the eyes of others, fear of criticism, fear of unfavorable comparisons to others who are more gifted. What does it matter how gifted we are as long as we are as gifted as God wants us to be!
There will always be someone who can do IT better than you whether it is leadership, writing, speaking, thinking, praying, etc., but no one can do it exactly like you. God made you who you are because He loves YOU and has given you the gifts you need to do what He wants of you. Thank God for the gifts He has given you and the ways He wants to use YOU! The important thing is to be attentive to what the Holy Spirit is asking of you and to do it to the best of your ability--as limited as that might be--and leave the results to Him.
I admit that not so very long ago I did not even know what a blog was. I am a novice on the computer, not knowing much and learning as I go. That explains any lack of technical skills you might notice. I had to call for help to learn how to embed a video and how to highlight a link in the text without showing the whole long url address. When you see *** or +++ between paragraphs or lines, it is not because of some notion of style, but because I had problems with the spacing on the post not appearing where it should (and too busy to read all the blog helps to see how to correct it).
I have much to learn, but I am confident that I will be able to learn what God considers important for me to know. If I had waited until I knew what I was doing--I still wouldn't have started; and before I knew it the Year of the Priest would be over, and I would not have followed the inspiration to start this blog. I am not someone who has ever kept a diary or journal and is naturally inclined to write. I depend every day on the Holy Spirit to inspire me.
A beginning blogger might unwisely become discouraged after checking out some of the other Catholic blogs whose authors are much more knowledgeable, eloquent, computer savvy, and experienced. However, I am in absolute awe at what the Holy Spirit is doing through them--and also overjoyed! It is an encouraging and hopeful sign for the Church!
As part of the mystical body of Christ, with Jesus as our head, we all benefit from the healthy spirituality of other members and from all of the good that they do. We should rejoice and thank God when others are spiritually enriching the mystical body of Christ!
For many years I have been inspired to pray for priests. God has impressed upon me the great need to support and shield them with all of the spiritual means at our disposal. Because He gives me no rest on this issue, I want to share this urgency with others, but am usually able to share it with so few. This blog gives me the opportunity to reach out with an appeal on behalf of priests to all my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world who might be led by the Holy Spirit to read it.
I think most Catholics love and appreciate their priests, but think of them as providers and nurturers--spiritual Fathers providing for our needs. They often will do many things to support priests in temporal matters, but don't think of their spiritual needs, considering them to be stronger, more faithful, less tempted because of the graces of their vocation.
The Holy Spirit has inspired the Congregation for the Clergy to ask for Eucharistic Adoration and Spiritual Motherhood for Priests (December 8, 2007), and has inspired the Holy Father to declare a Year of the Priest (June 19, 2009-June 19, 2010). It is obvious that He is asking us to spiritually uplift our Catholic priests. THEY NEED OUR HELP! He is asking it of all Catholics, including priests who are called to spiritually support their brother priests.
With more than a billion Catholics in the world, if each of us who are able to do SOMETHING would offer spiritual gifts for priests DAILY, the benefits could be immense for priests, the Church, for Catholics, and for all the people of the world!
I suggest that you pray and ask God what He wants YOU to do for His priests. Sincerely seek His enlightenment, if you haven't already. Some are called to do more than others, but most of us are called to do SOMETHING--and best if it is done DAILY because then it becomes a good habit. I encourage you to begin today to offer your spiritual gift for priests, if you haven't already started. Don't put off what you can do today. The prince of darkness loves it when we procrastinate and opportunities to do good are wasted!
Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest, Mother of all priests, and our Mother, help us respond generously to the Holy Spirit's request, through the voice of His Church, to offer up to God Eucharistic adoration for priests. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an inspiring message! You're right--the devil does want to discourage us. We just have to hold on to the knowledge that God doesn't care that it's not perfect; He just wants us to DO IT!