Monday, September 14, 2009

Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and in the Mass

Venerable Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Conchita, once asked the Lord:
"If the Redemption satisfied Your justice to efface sin, if by it the distance between man and the divinity was overcome, why did You perpetuate this same sacrifice of the Cross on the altars?"
Our Lord's answer was:
"Solely out of love, solely out of charity, I remain on the altars because burning thirst consumes the Word made flesh who rejoices in His immolation for the sake of man.
"I have stayed on the altars to perfect in their souls by My life as a victim what is wanting of sacrifice in them.
"I have stayed thereon since I am the only pure victim.
Without Me every immolation would be futile, by My perpetuating My sacrifices, forgiveness is likewise perpetuated, giving their value to the sacrifices of men when they are offered in union with Mine.
"I have stayed thereon to bring souls, through My example, to become lovers of pain under all its forms.
"I have stayed thereon due to the pleasure the Incarnate Word feels from the proximity of His creature" (Diary, July 6, 1906).
"In the Mass is perpetuated the same immolation of the same Victim, Me, on Calvary. It is not a prolongation or a repetition of My sacrifice, but the same sacrifice though unbloody, the same living crucifixion with the same and only loving will of the Father to give His own Son, His only Son, for the salvation of the world" (Diary, Aug. 2, 1933).
Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest, Mother of all priests, and our Mother, help us respond generously to the Holy Spirit's request, through the voice of His Church, to offer up to God Eucharistic adoration for priests. Amen.

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